
Showing posts from February, 2018

Final exam

Everytime an architect starts to design a building and to bring it into life, there are some steps which are essential and need to be known: It starts with locational analysis (responsibility of town planners and geographers),  environmental control (specialist of building design), Judgment over matters of cost (quantity surveyor), interior design (skills of an artist).  One word is used for very different concepts such as functional architecture, data architecture, solution architecture or enterprise architecture. In addition, boundaries between architecture and design are unclear. Some say they are similar concepts. Others argue that they are complementary concepts with different levels of abstraction. To do so here are some ways generating 3 dimensional form: 1-Pragmatic 2-Iconic 3-Analogic 4-Canonic -Pragmatic design  Design is about making stuff, we make stuff to test our hypotheses. The word pragmatic itself says: dealing with things sensibly and realisti...