Men were always looking for a place to live in, so first they found the ground where they should live. There are six main characteristics needed to be remembered by us, architects:
The region,the seat,the compartition,the walling,the covering,the apertures
These form a hierarchical order. Once you have found the region (the open space), you can determine the seat (the place where your house will be located). The compartition is dividing the whole platform into smaller platforms. The walling means that the house now take the form of a 3d composition as well as it helps into maintaining the system of the roof. The covering helps the building from external forces, just like the skin to our body. Lastly, the apertures are the outlets which are necessary for a house.
But, we shouldn’t forget the principles of a good building: firmness, durability, stability, gracefulness and aesthetic aspect.
Referring to the past,  as the climate has changed, the region also has some differences. So you should pick your house according to the climate,  because it is directly connected to our health and it is connected to our mood also.  Firstly, you may think that a good house is due to their positioning in Tirana. Why are the houses more expensive in Bllok than in other parts of Tirana? The answer is that the region sells the house. So when we are looking for a house, first thing that strikes us is the positioning, the neighbours and the accessibility. But these are not the only conditions we should see for a house. There are plenty of them. Also the quality of the building does matter, because it is directly related to the humidity, cold, heat… all included in one word THE HEALTH of people living in there. You cannot stay in a house which is too cold in winter and too hot in summer, or which creates a lot of humidity. There are also other characteristics, for example does the sun shines in all rooms or is it too dark, does the wind disturb you, or does the rain/snow affect the house, if yes in which way?... So there are a lot of questions and properties which you have to analyze carefully.
One idea which drew my attention was the classification of the regions. For example if you have decided to buy a house in another country, you would consider the region, as it is known. Some regions may be known for its earthquakes, lights, humidity, rain, snow, sun and so on. Some may be known for volcanos.
After we have studied the region, and decided for that, we can say that the platform obeys the same rule as the region. The difference is that here we can play with the angles and lines, creating such beautiful forms.
As I was reading the next chapter I realized that all the plains that you make which are to be under any covering, must be laid exactly level, but those which are to be left open, should have just slope enough for the rain to run off. So all the decisions are taken due to some properties and some inevitable activities.
As to the origin of building, or the compartition, how will it be integrated with other parts of the city, all of this should be thought before. You cannot put the building in corner of the city, in a place with no routes, in an inadequate place or somewhere else. So the architect must think about the intervention of the building within the whole. The same we can say for the small parts inside the building. You can use the method of linear lines, curvilinear or these kinds of lines, but an important thing is that you should always consider the building as a design, and this should be applied to all.
Walling plays an important role in a building. In the past walling was the joining of two or more columns.
Have you ever imagined your body without your skin? Well, it would have been a disaster, or better saying it would have been no life. Architects do understand me very well, because they treat their buildings as human beings, and when they bring a "child" into life,  they take care of it. They won't allow it to give up living, they want it to live as much as they can. I am talking about the covering that a building must have. Can you live in a building with just columns, no covering at all? I think not. Some hypothesis states that the coverings of a building were made to connect the columns and as we know from other lessons, first coverings were made by nature, and now we have a variety of choosing. But some coverings may have different functions. For example, the roof of a building is considered also as a covering. One of its functions is to allow rain to drop from the roof to the ground, without penetrating into the building. So the slope of the roof make this possible.
The apertures include all the openings of a building such as the doors, windows, chimneys... These openings serve the purpose,  for example the door serve the purpose of letting people entering in,  the windows let the light diffuses into the room. But an important thing which drew my attention was the quality and the property that every opening should have. The door shouldn't be too narrow, or too wide (we're talking about a house door), because the dimensions should be in proportions to human living there. Also we must remember that the door should be positioned in a strong wall, we shouldn't expect the next month to be destroyed. The same thing we can say about the windows.  There are some specific properties about windows. For example in a summer house, the windows should be positioned on the south, and contrary in winter.  Furthermore we have to do with light not with the sun.
All I mentioned above are parts of what I am goinf to talk. The stairs which play an important role in everyday's life. There are two components, the door which let you enter the stairs, the window which let you view from there. But as in all other parts of a building there are some things, which are logically known.  For example you cannot do the breadth of one stair less than one foot, what is the purpose than. Or larger than one yard. No meaning at all. As I was reading this chapter I realized that stairs are positioned in such a place that is accessible for everyone, and don't affect other parts of the building.


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