Arch 121
Thomas Munro classifies design according to our senses : visual, static, surface design, visual, static, solid design, visual,mobile,temporally developed design auditory design; audiovisual design and types of design based on suggestive thematic development. And also each of theses types of designs is further divided into other subdivisions.
•Visual, static, surface design is a two dimensional design sometimes slightly curved or even polyhedral surface. The basic elements of this design are colour, line, and texture.This design has three subcategories. -Strip design is mostly extended lengthwise and consists in long and narrow ribbons , borders, and architectural mouldings in low relief.This type of design can give the illusion of a 3D design. -Bounded-area design is a design limited within a 2D given area.It can be asymmetrical, irregular, and free-flowing suggesting moods attitudes.Also, this type of design can be flat or slightly three dimensional. Allover design is unbounded in two dimensions with a tendency to indefinite repetition or prolongation in all four directions. In this type of designs units are not arranged along a single main axis but they flow all over the background. Also this type of design has no beginning and no end.
•Visual, static, solid design is three dimensional; it may have thickness, depth, length, breadth, and consists in different solid parts. -Exterior design, as in architecture when viewed from the outside, as in sculpture, etc. The object may present different designs as seen from different points of view. -Interior design, surrounding or partly surrounding the observer ,which can be buildings, rooms, gardens,,etc. -A combination of the two, that means the connection between exterior and interior design. Parts of the object (ex rose windows) that contribute and have an important role for both this types designs. - Intermediate between surface and solid design which is sculptural relief depending on the amount of three dimensional development.
•Visual,mobile ,temporally design and it has two categories. -Mobile surface design is a thematic which develops in time as well as it changes may be in motion in a determinate sequence.It includes motion pictures, shadow plays, lumia or mobile colour, all presented as flat images on a flat or curving surface. -Mobile solid design presents solid figures in more or less determinate motion.
•Thomas does not restrain the categorization of design only depending on the visual senses but also in the hearing senses,therefore, he adds auditory design. It may or may not be combined with mobile visual design, as in ballet. He continues and brakes this category in three other subdivisions musical design, word-sound design, and verbal-musical design.
○ Musical design is based on thematic development of rhythm, pitch timbre, consonance, dissonance and of developed components components such as melody,tempo, meter, dynamics ,etc. ○Word-sound design is presented aurally when literature is spoken , and thus resembles music to some extent. ○Verbal-musical design is a combination of musical and word-sound design as in songs,oratorios, and operas.
• Audiovisual design which has also two subdivisions.
-Audiovisual surface design which is the combination of mobile visual patterns with music, word-sound or both. -Audiovisual solid design is produced by combining mobile solid patterns with auditory ones, as in dance and ballet with music.
And last, the suggestive thematic development design, the list here distinguishes types of design mainly in a basis of presentative development , according to the sense primarily addressed and the way in which the presented factor is developed in time, space or both.
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