Scale and proportion

By scale we understand the size of an object in comparison with other objects. We often compare the size of an object with the size of our body. The first one to have studied scale and proportion in detail was Rasmussen. Earlier in the past there was Pythagora who had studied scale. As a result we always compare one thing to another. Scale has a mathematical meaning too. It means the measure between an object and a measurable quantity . In architecture scale refers to the relationship between the drawing of the building and its real size.

We have a few types of scales:
- Visual scale  (It doesn't refer to the actual size of things , but rather to how small or large something appears in relation to its actual size.)
-Hierarchical scale (It refers to the variety of sizes in a art composition to show their importance. Usually bigger means important and smaller means less important. For example we can mention the walls in Egyptian temples ,the pharaohs are always in a larger scale than normal people )
-Disordered scale (Usually used by artists to create an abnormal and surreal effect.


It refers to relative size of parts of a whole. Often we think of proportion in size relationships within the body. An example of which , is the Vitruvian man by Da Vinci.
There's another commonly used way of measuring and it's human scale. It refers to the comparison of an object with human body. This scale is also used in architecture.
Among all of these proportions we mentioned there's one scale that's been famous since antiquity, the golden section[a:b=b:(a+b)]. Golden section is the  ratio of the section between a line or the two dimensions plan figure. Golden ratio has some amazing algebraic and geometric features ,it's also found in the structure of many living organisms and commonly used in architecture.
We also have golden section spiral construction which can be constructed by using the golden section subdivision diagram.

Proportional ratios
There's another technique based on nesting inside each other a succession of rectangles based on the 1:1.618 proportions of the golden section that's called Golden Rectangles. It works like this : The shorter side of the outer rectangle becomes the longer side of the smaller rectangle inside it, and so on until the result is a spiral shape.

This technique is used in many buildings, for example in Villa Garche and Villa Malcontenta. In both houses, the basic grid rhythmically alternates across the plan as a sequence of single and double bays. In fact the basis difference between the two works arises from  Le Corbusier's use of cantilever. With the ratio of the grid ,both architects intend specific manner. Palladio secures a dominance of his central division with a progression towards his portico which absolutely attention in this two areas whereas Le Corbusier obtains a compression of the outer grid units in order to transfer interest elsewhere. Taking about Corbusier, he published his Modular in 1942. Modular is a way of measuring the human scale and making it applicable in architecture and mechanics. It consists in 3 measures according to the golden scale :



113+70+43=226 (2×113)

113,183 and 226 describe the space occupied by human . From the two first ones 113 & 183 he developed the red and blue series ,the scale and the dimensions related to the size of the human figure.Corbusier explained his idea in his unite d'habitation Marseilles . It used 15 measures of the modular to bring the human scale to a building that's 140 m long , 45 m wide and 70 meters high. Another project was a hospital whose the entire design of the building is based on wards ,which were formed as long galleries. The dimensions were determined by the basic element of the hospital ward : the beds.

Principal of design

· -Balance:  a state of equilibrium of the visual forces in a composition. Balance depends upon visual weights of the architectural and interior elements -- visual weight is determined by the psychological impact an element makes on us and the attention it demands. It can be a symmetrical (the two sides do not correspond to one another) balance or an asymmetrical one (so the two sides do not correspond to one another). The balance between two objects is defined by a number of characteristics like: the size, the color, the texture, the complexity... (bigger ,darker, textured, complexed forms are heavier than the small, light colored, simple ones).
-Rhythm, more specifically visual rhythm, which is in fact depended on the repetition of the shapes and the way how they are repeated. 
-Emphasis is defined as an area or object within the artwork that draws attention and becomes a focal point.
- Unity and verity. The former linked with the way how parts of the composition are in a harmonious relationship between one another, creating the whole. The state or quality of being one; singleness. The state or quality of being in accord; harmony. The latter being the difference between the parts, which makes the composition more interesting and rich. 


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